2009. március 29., vasárnap

Mage stat build

Int Mage:-Very high attack
-Low hp
-Solo character or party with defender.
-Stats:in hard mode 6 int +1 wis,5 int+1wis+1 rec, in ultimate7int+1rec+1wis
-Armor:High int wit hp lapis.

Luc Mage:-Higher attack than full int mage
-Low hp
-Big crit because the weapons are quickly to deteriorate
-to take a chance in ultimate mode because normal and harmode not certified.
-Armor:luc weapons with wis laspised armor

Rec Mage:-High defense
-High hp
-Medium attack
-Stats:mostly rec
-Armor:with only int stats
-Good for pvp

Hybrid Mage:- Personal combination of stats that you prefer
-Stats:int/rec or int/luc,int/some wis
-This is good in ultimate mode

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